Monday, September 12, 2011

Performance Art Meets Political Action! PATH Los Angeles "DIE IN"

Performance art meets political action as Parents for Addiction Treatment & Healing (PATH-LA) and their new campaign, Moms United to End the War on Drugs, along with the support of Drug Policy Alliance and other local advocacy groups, held a ‘Die-in’ in front of Grauman’s Chinese Theater to celebrate life and bring awareness to the lives lost by accidental drug overdose.

By Sam Sabzehar

Parents for Addiction Treatment & Healing, Moms United to End the War on Drugs, and The Drug Policy Alliance helped coordinate the "Die-In." (Photo credit:

To commemorate and celebrate the lives of loved ones lost to accidental drug overdose around the world, a day of solidarity started by Salvation Army Australia, local actions and vigils took place around the world on August 31.

With roughly forty participants, mostly those affected by an overdose of a loved one, the group ‘Died’ on the Hollywood Walk of Stars in between Michael Jackson and The Doors, and drew a large crowd, especially while reading the names of the fallen.

Hollywood has had their fair share of accidental drug overdose and to commemorate International Overdose Awareness Day, the advocacy groups had coordinated the event online using Facebook and Twitter, asking participants to wear a picture of someone this world has lost due to accidental drug overdose.

Moms United is a campaign of the group A New PATH, which began in San Diego by Gretchen Burns Bergman. Julia Negron leads the L.A. chapter and along with Drug Police Alliance, were there in support of A New PATH”s campaign: Moms United to End the Drug War.





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